Success or Snub? Hamlet (21st Academy Awards Review Pt. 2)
To see part 1, click here . Louisiana Story Suite~Louisiana Story - Virgil Thomson Starting this year, the Academy Awards ceremony was moved to a private theater that was owned by the Academy itself as opposed to previous years when they would be hosted at theaters owned by major studios. This was done because of “rumors” that studios were putting pressure on Academy members to fix the votes so the Academy wanted to make things more above-board. You and I both know that this probably accomplished jack and squat but, nevertheless, this sort of internal pressure would do a lot to explain why a British film finally won the Academy Award for Best Picture this year. Anyway, this is another one of those years where the winner was such a clear runaway that it can be a little difficult ascertaining what was the biggest competitor and also what could have and/or should have won in the place of Hamlet . But we’re not letting it go down without a fight. If you’ve been following ...