
Showing posts from November, 2023

Success or Snub? All the King's Men (22nd Academy Awards Review Pt. 2)

 To see part 1, click here . The Heiress Suite~The Heiress - Alan Copland To understand the importance and timeliness of a movie like All the King’s Men is to understand the intricacies of American politics, and Hollywood politics, in the late 40s going into the 50s. Almost immediately after the Nazi menace was defeated, the next big boogeyman that America had to face was Russian Communism as the Cold War began. Unlike Nazi Germany which wanted to conquer the world by force, Joseph Stalin’s brand of world domination would be by encouraging Communist dissidents to infiltrate and undermine governments around the world. Knowledge of this led to the famous Red Scare in America which would be a thinly-veiled witch hunt as communities were terrified that their neighbors might be planning on selling them out to the Communists. In 1947, the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), launched an investigation into the Hollywood studios, probing for alleged Communist ties amongst...